Monday, April 14, 2014

Extraction Reaction

First off, a correction to my previous post:  Dentists no longer use Novocaine.  I guess I did not know this!  Now I know.  Just another reminder that I am certainly not a dentist, just a wife of one...

If you would like to be more informed, read this link:

Now that we've cleared that up... the surgery is done!  Madison had a hard time getting to sleep last night and was up before 7 am.  Not being allowed to eat or drink, she was basically pacing the house for an hour, until the surgeon's office called and asked if she could come in early?  YES!!  Let's get this over with as soon as possible, right?!  So off they went...

I got a few text updates during the procedure "numb, gas...", "2 out"..."2 more"..."2 more...all 6, done".  Yes, 6 in total!  4 premolars, and the last 2 baby teeth.  She was packed with gauze when she FaceTimed me in the car.  She looked a little dazed, but pretty good otherwise.  We didn't talk long, as she needed to be still and allow the clots to form.  It was just good to see her awake and finished.

Dad got her set up on the couch after taking care of the packing material (ok by me!).  By the time I saw her, the bleeding had stopped and clots were formed.  Still numb with iPod in hand, she was pretty content, other than feeling slightly queasy.  That passed quickly and she was ready for some yogurt 30 minutes later.  Had to get some food in her stomach before she could take some ibuprofen.  The ibuprofen seems to be doing the trick so far, as she is not uncomfortable.  After a mango smoothie, she is settled in and watching "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" on Netflix :-)  And miraculously, Kira (our energetic, not-so-gentle pup) has been leaving her alone! I think dogs sense when you're not feeling well, although I wonder about this one sometimes!

I am hoping to have her blog today so she can give her perspective...stay tuned!

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